Federal Lawmaker for AM, Silas Câmara will be tried by the STF for ‘rachadinha’ on Wednesday, 26

Federal Lawmaker for AM, Silas Câmara will be tried by the STF for ‘rachadinha’ on Wednesday, 26

Marcela Leiros – Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – It is on the trial agenda of the Supreme Court (STF) of Wednesday, 26, the Criminal Action (AP) 864, which has the federal lawmaker for Amazonas Silas Câmara (Republicanos) as a defendant for practicing “rachadinha” a scheme where politicians receive part or half of staff’s salary. Câmara is a supporter of Jair Bolsonaro (PL) in the state and is a member of the evangelical bench in the National Congress.

The case has been before the STF since 2001. The reporting justice, Luís Roberto Barroso, set a sentence of five years and three months in prison and the loss of the congressman’s mandate, in addition to a 123-day fine of five minimum wages and the return of R$ 248,205.93 to the public coffers. AP 864 is one of the agendas that will be judged at the 31st Ordinary Session of the STF, scheduled to begin at 2 pm.

Read also: Begins trial of Silas Câmara: five years in prison and loss of federal mandate

AP 864 investigates the involvement of Silas Câmara (Republicanos) in the “rachadinha” scheme (Reproduction/ STF)

The “rachadinha” represents the appropriation, by politicians, of part of the salary of servers appointed by them. According to the MPF, the lawmaker embezzled part of the public funds intended for the hiring of his parliamentary aide, from January 2000 to December 2001. He was assisted by his former parliamentary secretary, according to the Court.

In preliminary defense, according to the STF, the parliamentarian argued that the complaint was inappropriate and that there was no minimum evidentiary support to bring criminal charges. He also said that the amounts deposited in his bank account were the result of settlement of loans made to his subordinates.

Denunciation was received by the STF, in 2010 (Reproduction/ STF)


The case for which Silas Câmara is a defendant resembles that of Senator Flávio Bolsonaro (PL-RJ), oldest son of Jair Bolsonaro, indicted by the Public Ministry (MP) of Rio de Janeiro on charges of leading a criminal organization to collect part of the salary of former public employees for his own benefit. The scheme, according to the MP, took place in the Legislative Assembly of Rio, where he was a state lawmaker from 2003 to 2019.

Retired military policeman Fabrício Queiroz, who was Flávio’s chief of staff, was pointed out as the scheme operator in this accusation. The charges were for committing the crimes of embezzlement, money laundering, misappropriation and criminal organization. Another 15 former Flávio’s advisors were also indicted. Fabrício Queiroz and Flávio Bolsonaro denied all charges.

In the networks, Silas Câmara appears next to Jair Bolsonaro (Reproduction/ Instagram)