Federal Police operation on blocking highways has two targets in Amazonas countryside

Blockades on federal highways began after the result of this year's presidential election, with the defeat of Jair Bolsonaro (PL) to Lula (PT) (Lucas Lacaz Ruiz/Estadão Conteúdo)
Marcela Leiros – from Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – The Federal Police (PF) fulfills two search and seizure warrants inside the Amazon on Thursday, 15, results of action of the Minister of the Supreme Court (STF), Alexandre de Morais, on roadblocks after the presidential election this year. Besides Amazonas, measures are met in three other Amazon states – Acre, Rondônia and Mato Grosso – as well as Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná, Santa Catarina and the Federal District.

To CENARIUM MAGAZINE, the regional superintendence in Amazonas reported no warrants being served in Manaus, capital of Amazonas, and the regional superintendence does not participate in the operation, according to information passed by the superintendent Eduardo Fontes.

The institution, in the State, also reported the amount of search and seizure warrants in the other Federative Units. There are nine in Acre, one in Rondonia, 20 in Mato Grosso, 17 in Mato Grosso do Sul, one in the Federal District, 16 in Parana and 15 in Santa Catarina.

Blockade at KM 682, on the BR-319 highway, near Humaitá (AM) (Release/PRF)

In total, there are 81 warrants issued by the Court against individuals and companies identified by the federal and local forces of Public Security, according to a note from the Federal Police in Brasilia.

Check out the full note of the Federal Police in Brasilia:

The Federal Police serves, on Thursday (15/12), 81 search and seizure warrants, issued by the Federal Supreme Court, in investigations being conducted at the Court about the roadblocks after the proclamation of the result of the General Elections of 2022.

The measures are being fulfilled in the states of Acre, Amazonas, Rondônia, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná, Santa Catarina and the Federal District, against individuals and legal entities identified by the federal and local forces of Public Security.

These information are restricted to the note.

Also read: Leader of truckers, Wallace Landim says that anti-democratic acts on highways do not represent the category

Blockades on highways

As shown by CENARIUM MAGAZINE, the Amazon States have registered roadblocks by protesters who do not accept the victory of President-elect, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. The latest reported by the Federal Highway Police (PRF), in Amazonas, occurred on 23 November, when BR-174 was blocked at KM 884.



The acts are considered antidemocratic because they call for federal intervention to stop a legitimately constituted government, according to Law No. 14,197, known as the Law of the Democratic State of Law. Demonstrators are calling for the Armed Forces to act to disrupt Lula’s inauguration.

Read also: Blockades on highways make city of Rondônia cancel Christmas decoration for the second consecutive time

In Rondônia, another state where the operation takes place and where blockades of federal roads have also been registered, a truck driver ran over a woman who was participating in the blockade of a highway. The man was detained by military police officers.

Watch the video:

(Reproduction/ Internet)


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