In new poll, AM governor Wilson Lima advances, gets closer to Amazonino and leaves Braga behind

From the Editorial Office*

The Pontual Institute survey, released this Thursday, 26, shows the former governor of the state, Amazonino Mendes (Citizenship) with 28.9% of voting intentions, followed by the current governor of Amazonas, Wilson Lima (UB), with 23.3% of the electorate’s preference. Wilson Lima rose 2.4 percentage points and Amazonino dropped 1.6% from March to May this year.

The third place, senator for Amazonas, Eduardo Braga (MDB), appeared with 17.1% of the voting intentions. Amazonino’s difficulty in locomotion and the negative agendas involving Braga this year are among the possible causes of their reduction and stagnation in voting intentions, respectively.


Other candidates

State Representative Ricardo Nicolau (Solidariedade) got 4.5% of the voting intentions.

The state public defender, Carol Braz (PDT), appears in the survey with 4.1%. The former vice-governor of Amazonas, Henrique Oliveira (Podemos), registered 3.0% of intentions.

The lawyer Marcelo Amil (Polo) got 0.7% of the voting intentions. Blank and spoiled ballots totaled 12.3%. The undecided totaled 6.1%.

Up and down

Governor Wilson Lima, who is running for reelection in this year’s election, rose 2.4 percentage points, according to data released by the Pontual Institute on Thursday. The survey also shows the evolution of the candidates for the majority position in a stimulated survey.

According to the study, in March, governor Wilson Lima had 20.9% and rose to 23.3% in May. The former governor Amazonino Mendes (Citizenship) had 30.5% and dropped to 28.9% in the same period.

The third place in the poll, the current senator of Amazonas, Eduardo Braga had 16.1% in March and went up to 17.1% in May.

Validated survey data

Pontual Pesquisas used questionnaires previously validated by means of a pilot study, by a trained team, “in loco”, in the “face to face” format. The interviews were about the posts to the Amazonas state government.

According to the director of the Pontual Institute, Eric Barbosa, 2,685 electoral interviews were carried out, being 1,485 for Manaus (55.3%) and 1,200 individuals in the countryside (44.7%).

According to the survey, the maximum margin of error is 1.89 percentage points more or less, considering a confidence interval of 95%. The collections took place in Itacoatiara (157), Manacapuru (157), Parintins (149), Coari (104), Tefé (102), Maués (80), Iranduba (79), Tabatinga (73), Manicoré (72), Humaitá (64), Autazes (63), São Gabriel da Cachoeira (32) and Nova Olinda do Norte (38).

In Manaus, there were 1,485 interviews, distributed in the following zones and neighborhoods: Center-West zone: Dom Pedro (25), Alvorada (56), Planalto (17), Redenção (26) and Bairro da Paz (12). In the Center-South Zone the interviews followed in the neighborhoods Nossa Senhora das Graças (15), Parque 10 (42), Aleixo (21), Flores (34) and Adrianópolis (12).

In the East Zone the interviews went through Coroado (45), São José Operário (68), Armando Mendes (23), Zumbi dos Palmares (32), Mauazinho (18), Jorge Teixeira (83), Tancredo Neves (41), Gilberto Mestrinho (29) and Colônia Antônio Aleixo (14). In the North Zone the interviews went through the neighborhood Cidade Nova (122), Novo Aleixo (77), Novo Israel (19), Santa Etelvina (30), Colônia Terra Nova (30), Monte das Oliveiras (27), Nova Cidade (51), Cidade de Deus (37) and Lago Azul (12).

West Zone and research period

In the West Zone the interviews went through the following neighborhoods: São Jorge (24), Santo Antônio (22), Compensa (69), Lírio do Vale (22), Santo Agostinho (17), Tarumã (37), Nova Esperança (14) and São Raimundo (13). In the South Zone they were Centro (37), Cachoerinha (19), Morro da Liberdade (14), Educandos (15), São Francisco (19), Japiim (49), Petrópolis (47), São Lázaro (13), Crespo (13), Raiz (12) and Betânia (11).

The survey results are related to the study conducted between 12 and May 19 this year in Manaus and in 13 other municipalities within the state. The research was registered in the Regional Electoral Court of Amazonas (TRE-AM) and received the number AM-07029/2022.

(*) With information from Pontual Research Institute


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