Bruno Pacheco – From Cenarium Magazine
MANAUS – The former president of the Republic Luís Inácio Lula da Silva asked, on the afternoon of Monday, 6, for the server of the National Indian Foundation (FUNAI), Bruno Araújo Pereira, and the collaborator of The Guardian, journalist Dom Phillips, to be found logically and safely. Since Sunday, 5, Bruno and Phillips have been missing in the region of Vale do Javari, in the interior of Amazonas state.
See also: Specialized reinforcement is sent to act in the search for missing indigenous person and English journalist in Vale do Javari, in the Amazon
“The indigenist Bruno Araújo Pereira and the English journalist Dom Phillips are missing in the Amazon. They were in the region reporting on invasions of indigenous lands. Phillips interviewed me for @guardian in 2017. I hope they are found soon, that they are safe and well,” Lula wrote in a post on Twitter.
Lula and the indigenous causes
As a pre-candidate for the presidency of the Republic, Lula has taken a stand in defense of the rights of indigenous peoples and has walked side by side with leaders of the cause. In April of this year, Lula raised the possibility of creating a specific ministry for policies aimed at indigenous peoples.
Check also: Federal Police investigates disappearance of indigenous Funai and The Guardian journalist in Vale do Javari in AM
In addition, the former president said it is impossible to govern for the native populations without the revocation of several measures imposed by the current Bolsonaro government. Because of the mobilization, Lula has received support from national movements in favor of indigenous peoples, such as the Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (Apib), and from leaders, such as the chief Raoni Metuktire, of the Caiapó people.
Request for Support
On Monday afternoon, the Mixed Parliamentary Front for the Defense of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples of the House of Representatives sent a letter to the Ministry of Justice and the Federal Police requesting search and support for the disappearance of journalist Dom Phillips and activist Bruno Araújo. The document is signed by lawmakers José Ricardo (PT/AM), Joenia Wapichana (REDE/RR) and Airton Faleiro (PR/PA).