Brazil has record number with 2,798 deaths by Covid-19 in 24 hours

March 16, 2021
No total, 12,9 milhões de pessoas foram contaminadas pela Covid-19 no Brasil (Reprodução/O Globo)
No total, 12,9 milhões de pessoas foram contaminadas pela Covid-19 no Brasil (Reprodução/O Globo)

With information from UOL

This Tuesday (16), Brazil faces yet another day of tragic records in the coronavirus pandemic. With 2,798 new deaths from Covid-19 reported in the past 24 hours, the country had its most lethal day. Another scary mark is the highest daily average of deaths caused by the disease:1,976 in the last seven days – this is an escalation that reaches its 18th consecutive day. In total, 282,400 people have already died in the country as a result of Covid. The survey is from the press consortium, based on data provided by the state health departments.

Until yesterday, the day with the highest number of deaths reported within a 24-hour interval had been March 10, with 2,349 deaths. Today, the country has completed 15 days in a row with more than a thousand deaths from the disease between one day and the next. The moving average of deaths, which measures the daily rate over a seven-day interval, has remained above 1,000 deaths for 55 days.

It’s the longest period since March 2020. Amid yet another exchange of health ministers, the fourth during the pandemic, the country faces in different regions, the sanitary collapse. São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná, together, had a record of deaths and account for 53% of the deaths reported in the last 24 hours: there were 679, 501, and 307 deaths, respectively.

The country has 11,609,491 confirmed cases of the disease, 84,014 of which were registered between yesterday and today.

Nine states had a record daily average of deaths: AC (10), GO (125), MT (55), MS (25), PB (41), RS (253), SC (113), SP (400), and TO (16). The trend of acceleration of the moving average in the country is 48%. Only the North has stability in the average of deaths (12%). The other regions are all accelerating: Northeast (36%), Midwest (128%), Southeast (28%) and South (91%). Twenty-three units of the federation, including the Federal District, have increased in the index. Two states are in decline and two are stable.

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