Gabriel Abreu – From Cenarium Magazine
A German Air Force Boeing posed in Manaus, Brazilian Amazon’s capital, around 12:26 pm on Saturday, 27, bringing 80 respirators donated by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The donation meets the request for help from the government of Amazonas, which was addressed to the international community in January due to the increase in the number of hospitalizations by Covid-19, which caused the lack of oxygen in the health units in Manaus.
According to Amazonas’ governor, Wilson Lima, the equipment will be distributed to the state’s health network, but the priority is to serve the municipalities on the border with the states of Acre and Rondônia, which are overburdened by the health system.
“Arrived in good time both for people to have here on our network and also to make it available to other states that are currently aggravated by the pandemic. We have a complicated situation in Humaitá, which borders Porto Velho and Boca do Acre. These two states are being well impacted and many patients are migrating to these municipalities. We are going to assess as to where this equipment will be sent”, informed the governor.
Germany’s ambassador to Brazil, Heiko Thoms, explained that Germany and Brazil are very important partners and believe that only through unity and cooperation in solidarity between the countries will be able to overcome the pandemic.
“The donation meets the request for help from the government of Amazonas. As Brazil is a strategic partner for Germany, we have very wide and very deep cooperation with Brazil and a very deep relationship with the Amazon. We know that this pandemic is a global phenomenon and that no one is safe and, until everyone is safe, we want to help in this situation”, said the ambassador.
Orange Phase
In January, Amazonas faced the worst moment of the pandemic due to growth in the number of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths due to Covid-19. Currently, the state is in the orange phase, which corresponds to the classification of moderate risk for coronavirus transmission.
On Saturday, 20, during a press conference announcing adjustments to the state decree, Wilson Lima, expressed that the state went through the worst moment of the pandemic since it was regressing from red to orange after two months with the system collapsing health care.
“I want to believe that we have already gone through the worst moment and we are working to prevent this from happening again. Our occupation in the hospital network begins to fall, continues to fall. The number of deaths by Covid-19 is also falling. And that gives us a lot of tranquility”, concluded the governor.