‘Unacceptable vandalism’: governors of Legal Amazon repudiate extremist acts in Brasília

January 09, 2023
Governors come out in defense of democracy after acts of vandalism in Brasília (Art: Mateus Moura)
Governors come out in defense of democracy after acts of vandalism in Brasília (Art: Mateus Moura)

Ívina Garcia – Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – After the registration of acts of terrorism this Sunday afternoon, 8, in the buildings of the Three Powers in Brasília – Federal Senate, Supreme Court (STF) and the Planalto Palace – the governors of the Legal Amazon released a note of repudiation, categorizing the actions as unacceptable.

Wilson Lima, Amazonas; Helder Barbalho, Pará; Carlos Brandão, Maranhão; Clécio Luis, Amapá, went to social networks to reinforce the position contrary to the manifestations of vandalism and apology against the democratic rule of law.

Amazon Governors come out in defense of democracy after acts of vandalism in Brasília (Art: Mateus Moura)

In a recent meeting, on Friday, 6, the governor of Amazonas, Wilson Lima, had thanked the Minister of Justice for sending National Force to the state. “I thank the Minister of Justice and Public Safety, Flávio Dino, for maintaining the National Force in the Arpão Base. The troop assists our security forces in the fight against drug trafficking and environmental crimes in the region of Rio Solimões”, he said.

Read more: Governor of Amazonas, Wilson Lima thanks the Minister of Justice for sending the National Force to the State

Now, the head of the state, who had declared support for former President Jair Bolsonaro in the second round of elections, reinforces the importance of respecting democracy. “I strongly repudiate the anti-democratic acts that occurred in Brasilia this Sunday. We must respect democracy. There is no room for violence. The time is for unity and peace for Brazil to move forward”, Lima wrote.

A supporter of President Lula, Helder Barbalho informed that he will not accept mobilizations of this type in the State of Pará. “I repudiate the scenes of invasion of the Congress, the Supreme Court and the Palace – in addition to vandalism and apology against the Democratic State of Law. Our security forces are mobilized and we will not accept this type of situation in Pará. Here, it is Law and Order“, he said.

Carlos Brandão, governor of Maranhão, pointed out that the acts in Brasilia are another “great absurdity of extremists” who do not accept the result of the elections. “Invading the National Congress is a crime. There is no way to forcefully change a legitimately elected government. I have no doubt that they will be held accountable for these acts”, he said.

The governor of Amapá, Clécio Luis, also spoke out against the acts, he classified as unacceptable the invasion and depredation that occurred this Sunday. “The result of the polls needs to be sovereign and democracy needs to be respected. I repudiate any act of vandalism like the one we are seeing in Brasilia”, he said.

The governors Gladson Cameli (AC), Mauro Mendes (MT), Coronel Marcos Rocha (RO), Antonio Denarium (RR) and Wanderlei Barbosa (TO) had not commented as of the closing of this article.

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