Vice President and Minister of Industry, Geraldo Alckmin comes to Manaus to debate about the Free Trade Zone

January 15, 2023
Vice President and Minister of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services, Geraldo Alckmin (PSB) (Art: Mateus Moura)
Vice President and Minister of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services, Geraldo Alckmin (PSB) (Art: Mateus Moura)

Gabriel Abreu – from Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – The vice-president and Minister of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services, Geraldo Alckmin (PSB), confirmed exclusively to CENARIUM MAGAZINE this Saturday, 14, that he will come to Manaus to discuss the Manaus Free Trade Zone (MFTZ) with businessmen and politicians of the State.

Suframa is linked to the portfolio that Alckmin is coordinating in the new Lula government. This year, the Amazonas economic development model will face a major challenge: the tax reform being processed in the National Congress.

Vice President and Minister of Industry, Geraldo Alckmin (Promotion)

There is still no set date for the debate to happen in the capital of Amazonas, because of the latest events in which supporters of former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) invaded the Three Powers and destroyed the National Congress, Planalto Palace and the Supreme Court (STF).

“I recognize the importance of the Manaus Free Trade Zone and I will reinforce, alongside Congressman Serafim Corrêa, the importance of the debate about Suframa. I am depending only on the agenda, because I am still organizing the government”, said Alckmin.

Sought by the report team, the state lawmaker Serafim Corrêa (PSB) confirmed the negotiations of the minister’s coming to Manaus. The parliamentarian also stated that it is “of great importance to hear us. We have to be prepared for this debate”, said the lawmaker.

During the campaign, President Lula came to Manaus and promised that Suframa will be preserved.

“The Free Trade Zone will be preserved. It is a commitment that we have had since I was a candidate in 1989. I, when I was president, renewed [the economic model’s tax benefits] for ten years. Dilma renewed it for 50 years, so the Free Trade Zone has stability for a long time”, declared Lula.


To CENARIUM, Alckmin also said that the name for the superintendence of the Manaus Free Trade Zone has not been defined. According to the national and local press, federal lawmaker José Ricardo (PT) is well evaluated by the national president of the Workers Party (PT), Gleisi Hoffmann.

Asked by the report, the vice president did not deny or confirm, but replied: “Jose Ricardo is not yet confirmed”, he said.

The petista lawmaker from Amazonas commented that he was not officially sought to assume the Suframa, but he hopes to be chosen someone who knows the region and that strengthens the body, as sustainable management, focused on bioeconomy.

He also received with optimism the coming of the vice-president to Manaus “Great! It is good that he knows our industrial park and the importance of the Free Trade Zone for the economy of Amazonas”, said José Ricardo. “It is necessary to protect the model and guarantee its incentives”, he added.

Last year, according to Suframa, the results are quite favorable. Until September, industries have invoiced R$ 129.28 billion, which represents a growth of 8.69% compared to the same period in 2021 (R$ 119.95 billion). Suframa’s expectation is that, by December, global sales will total approximately R$ 175 billion, which will set a new revenue record for the Manaus Free Trade Zone.

Suframa’s head office in Amazonas (Promotion)

Sustainable Development

Upon taking office on January 4, Geraldo Alckmin stated in a speech that the main agenda for the new government, guided by the economic model, aims to reduce environmental impacts and encourage sustainable development.

“Sustainability is the starting point of the entire industrial policy. Socio-biodiversity will be the starting point of the new industrial policy; some fronts that will be explored in the design of programs include the industrial health complex, renewable energies, green hydrogen and mobility as some examples”, said the minister.

Alckmin stressed that the new policy aims at a collective gain, for the businessman, the worker and the environment, which must work in harmony, quoting the speech made by president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), during his inauguration on January 1st, in which he said that inequalities are “the greatest wounds of the country”.

“Brazil is a socially unjust and economically maladjusted country. There is exclusion of the poorest and economic infeasibility even for those who have some investment capacity. In this sense, we will overcome the ‘zero sum’ logic that sets the economic sectors against each other”, said the minister, who stated his commitment to adding value to national production.

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