UN: women and girls have been overlooked in the global response to the pandemic

(Reprodução/ AFP/Arquivos)

With information from Portal Geledés

Activists from 128 women protection organizations linked to the UN (United Nations) have issued a warning to the international community: There is a great risk that the world will regress concerning women’s rights during the Covid-19 pandemic. Organizations claim there is an urgent need for mobilization to prevent this from happening.

The entities, concentrated in Europe and Asia, ask that governments ensure an effective dialogue with civil society to ensure that the female population’s needs are at the center of policies adopted in response to the pandemic.


For the groups, it is necessary to collect data and statistics on the impact of the health crisis with a gender perspective, thus knowing which are the biggest defiances for women and facilitating the creation of specific public policies.


According to organizations, among the biggest problems are the difficulty of access to justice, increased burden of unpaid domestic work, high unemployment rates, and the drop in income among women, since they are majority in the informal economy.

“Women’s associations and civil society in general must be an integral part of the response and recovery efforts of covid-19,” says Alia El-Yassir, UN Women regional director for Europe and Central Asia.

“Since pandemic’s beginning, they have been on the front lines, working day and night to meet the needs of all groups of women and girls, men and boys. They know what needs to be done and we ask all development partners to seriously consider the solutions presented so that we can continue to guarantee the principles of equality and social justice”, he says.


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