‘Optimism and hope’ are feelings of 76% of Brazilians for the year 2023, survey shows

Data from "Febraban Observatory and Febraban Radar" show that, in all socio-demographic layers analysed, feelings are positive (Reproduction/iStock)
Mencius Melo – From Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – Brazilians have 76% of ‘optimism and hope’ in the new year that is approaching. This is what the research of the Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban) says. Data from “Observatório Febraban and Radar Febraban” show that, in all socio-demographic groups analysed, the sum of positive feelings in relation to 2023 exceeds 70%, reaching 85% among young people between 18 and 24 years old and 79% among women. Pessimists add up to 23%.

The survey was carried out between 29 November and 5 December, with 3 thousand people in the five regions of the country and also indicated other feelings of the population. “Hope”, for example, stands out as the most quoted feeling, with 38% of the mentions. “Joy” is the second most quoted feeling, with 19%. “Confidence” appears as the third predominant feeling, at 13%, and finally, “tranquility” and “pride” are mentioned by 4% and 2% of interviewees, respectively.

For economists and tax experts, the optimism comes from the experience of the new government and the economically inclusive policy proposals (Reproduction/Depositphotos)

Economist Ms. Denise Kassama believes that the new year will bring significant changes and for the better. “I am with a lot of optimism and hope. I am represented in these numbers”, she declared with humour. “I think a lot of this positivity comes from the inauguration of the Lula Government. We know that it will be a government with more focus on social issues and the fight against unemployment and income distribution. He has proposals mostly aimed at the lower strata of the population”, she said.


Young people

For Ms. Kassama, Lula will focus on young people and women. “Unemployment affects, in the main, the youngest layers of the population. And he must create policies to generate employment, which is what makes the wheel of the economy turn. Employed people are people with income and income generates consumption and consumption generates wealth. Money stimulates commerce and commerce stimulates industry”, she said.

“Another public that will probably be impacted is women. Lula knows the active role of women in society and, especially, in the economy”, she analysed.

In the same vein, tax expert Ms. Djane Sena believes that many of the survey’s figures are the result of the confidence that the population has in the new president’s social and economic policies.

“Brazil actually experienced a great growth in the purchasing power of Brazilians during the Lula era and part of the Dilma Government. These memories encourage the population, in general, and help the government to have the security to apply projects without having to fear adverse reactions from the market,” she said.

“In fact, the market shouldn’t even have this fear because, in fact, the banks made record profits during the Lula administration”, recalled Ms. Sena.

Even though she is hopeful, she has reservations. “I believe in new times, but, we cannot forget that the damage caused by the Bolsonaro Government is enormous. It forced, for example, Lula to create more ministries and more ministries means more spending on the public machine“, pondered the tax specialist.


The survey also listed numbers that are on the other end of the work raised by “Febraban Observatory and Febraban Radar”. These are Brazilians who do not believe that the new government will bring substantial improvements in 2023. “Distrust” is the most quoted feeling, but only by 8%. “Fear” comes in second place, with 7% of mentions. “Sadness” is the feeling cited by 5% of all respondents.

Even with the presence of numbers that show pessimism, the trend is also optimistic about the recovery of the financial situation after the pandemic, which stagnated much of the market. Among those interviewed, 60% perceive that the economy is recovering, while 23% foresee this recovery only after this year. Another 9% are those who evaluate that their financial situation has not been affected, and the most pessimistic, who do not see a recovery, total 3%.


Expectations are also favourable in the area of personal and family life for 2023. Among those interviewed, 74% believe that their life will improve in the new year. Another 11% imagine that there will be no changes and 10% are more pessimistic and believe in a worsening. Finance is the first theme with the greatest chance of improvement in 2023, with 36%. In second comes physical health, with 28%. Mental health comes third with 26%. Work or employment has 23%. Interpersonal relationships with 16%. Leisure and entertainment has 12% of mentions and housing with 10% of respondents.

“The Febraban Observatory shows that hope is the main feeling in relation to the new year, especially among women. It also points out optimistic perspectives regarding the drop in unemployment, increased access to credit and purchasing power, accompanied by a cautious attitude towards interest rates and inflation/cost of living”, noted sociologist and political scientist Antônio Lavareda, president of IPESPE’s Scientific Council.


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