‘Valorization of traditional peoples’ is the theme of the Enem 2022 essay; the subject is a recurring theme at CENARIUM

Traditional Peoples and Communities are frequent themes addressed by CENARIUM MAGAZINE (Art: Mateus Moura/Cenarium Magazine)
Ívina Garcia – Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – Announced by the Minister of Education, Victor Godoy, on Sunday afternoon, 13, the theme of the 2022 National High School Exam (Enem) deals with “Challenges for the valorization of communities and traditional peoples in Brazil”.

Traditional Peoples and Communities (PCTs) are frequent themes addressed by CENARIUM MAGAZINE, which follows and helps to spread relevant agendas on the subject. The April 2022 edition, number 22 of the print magazine brought a series of reports dealing with the recognition and the struggle of riverine and indigenous peoples in the country.

The April issue of this year’s Cenarium Magazine (Reproduction)

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According to the National Policy for the Sustainable Development of Traditional Peoples and Communities (PNPCT), instituted in 2017, PCTs are indigenous peoples, quilombolas, traditional communities of African origin or terreiro communities, extractivists, riverine peoples, caboclos, artisanal fishermen, and pomeranians, among others.

The PCTs are culturally differentiated groups that recognize themselves as such, that have their own forms of social organization, that occupy and use territories and natural resources as a condition for their cultural, social, religious, ancestral and economic reproduction, using knowledge, innovations and practices generated and transmitted by tradition.

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The theme of the essay is chosen based on current issues and participants must write a dissertative-argumentative text of no more than 30 lines, developing an intervention proposal for the central problem, which, in the case of 2022, involves the challenges of valuing ancestry.

In Amazonas, most indigenous state of Brazil, with 168,7 thousand self-declared people according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), there are 79 thousand participants registered to perform the tests. This Sunday, 13, the participants must, in addition to the essay, answer questions of languages and humanities, and on the next day 20, will be applied questions of mathematics and natural sciences.

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On the social networks, web surfers and personalities are reacting to the disclosure of the theme. The federal lawmaker elected by São Paulo, Erika Hilton, said that the chosen theme is “essential and very important in a country that we are fighting to get back to respecting its people after years of attacks”.

Writer, psychologist, and professor at the Language College at Ufam, Sérgio Freire also pointed out the relevance of the theme:

“Anyone who ideologically does not embrace the idea that traditional peoples should be protected and valued will do poorly in the essay.”

The Brazilian Union of Undergraduates, on the other hand, pointed out the main entities that can be cited in the essay:

“In their essays, students could mention agencies such as: FUNAI (National Indian Foundation), MMA (Ministry of Environment) and MDA (Ministry of Agrarian Development), SEPPIR (Secretariat of Public Policies for the Promotion of Racial Equality)”

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