Bolsonaro government reduced, by three times, budget for social programs to Amazonas state

In Manaus, a seven-year-old child holds a plate with the meal of the day: chicken feet. (Ricardo Oliveira/Cenarium)

Ana Carolina Barbosa – from Cenarium

MANAUS – The transfers for social programs of the federal government to the Amazon, in 2021, added, so far, R$ 1.969 billion, a monthly average of R$ 218.8 million, considering the period from January to September, for social actions. The amount is three times lower than the monthly average of R$ 792.8 million, recorded in 2020, when the transfers totaled R$ 9.511 billion, according to data from the Transparency Portal.

The difference that most impacted the total amount was the emergency aid, whose direct transfers to citizens, in 2010, via Caixa Econômica Federal, were R$ 6.813 billion. In 2021, until October 5th, they did not reach R$ 9 million.


The transfers via Bolsa Família also showed a reduction, from R$1.120 billion last year to R$643.2 million this year. The averages were R$ 93.36 million and R$ 71.47 million, respectively, a decrease of almost 24%.

Influencing factors

(Reproduction/Transparency Portal)

In the case of Bolsa Família, part of the low-income citizens covered by the program opted to receive the emergency aid, which had a direct impact on the amount transferred, since, according to the federal government’s criteria, the beneficiaries receive the higher amount between the two benefits.

As for the Emergency Aid, which in 2021 total transfers were lower than the previous year’s averages, besides the reduction in the overall value, the rules imposed by the government only allow one registration per family. Initially, up to two relatives could be contemplated.

(Reproduction/Transparency Portal)

Regarding the amounts, the aid went from R$ 600 to R$ 250, from one year to the next. The exception is for single mothers (heads of single-parent families), who previously received up to R$1,200 and now receive R$375. People who live alone receive R$150.

Besides the Emergency Aid and the Bolsa Família, the Benefício de Prestação Continuada (BPC) and Seguro Defeso are also active social programs. The first aims to support people with disabilities and the elderly who prove they are unable to support themselves financially or be provided for by their families. The second, on the other hand, is granted to fishermen during the closed season, when fishing is limited due to the reproduction of the species.


(Reproduction/Transparency Portal)

If the monthly average of transfers is maintained this year, the trend is that the total, by the end of 2021, is equivalent to the amount allocated to the Amazon, in 2019, a year when the pandemic Covid-19 had not yet reached the country and the period when there was no Emergency Aid. At the time, the transfers, which are made directly to the accounts of citizens in situations of social vulnerability, totaled approximately R$ 2.6 billion.


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