‘We have several investigative lines,’ says delegate in the case of federal servant found dead in Manaus

Stephanie Veiga (left) and Silvanilde Ferreira Veiga (right). (Reproduction/ Instagram)

Gabriel Abreu and Marcela Leiros – Cenarium Magazine

MANAUS – The chief of the Police Department Specialized in Homicide and Kidnappings (DEHS), Ricardo Cunha, responsible for investigating the death of federal employee Silvanilde Ferreira Veiga, 58 years, in Manaus, did not exclude any line of investigation or suspect, and said that the police work with several possibilities. The statement was made on the morning of Tuesday, 24, at the headquarters of the specialized, in the East Zone of the city.

“The investigations are very premature, we can’t talk about suspects, we have several investigative lines, several, which should be confronted with other information even to be discarded. The investigation does not have a pre-defined deadline, which is why we do not have much information,” he said.


The body of the director of the 15th Labor Court was found by her daughter, Stephanie Veiga, 27, on Saturday, 21, inside the luxury apartment where both lived, located in Ponta Negra, West Zone of Manaus.

According to information from the lawyers, Stephanie had received an ‘SOS’ SMS, on her cell phone, coming from her mother’s number, around 10 pm on Saturday, and this would have been the reason for the young woman to go to the apartment. “Through this signal she understood that her mother had a problem and went to the residence,” explained lawyer Cândido Honório to the press on Monday 23rd.

Stephanie, then, would have arrived at the condominium accompanied by her boyfriend, after talking to the doorman and trying to contact her mother by phone, and having no success, she then went up to the apartment and found her mother dead.

Cell phone missing

Stephanie informed the Civil Police that her mother’s cell phone had disappeared from the apartment. The lawyer explained that the servant’s cell phone had a “security contact” function, so that in case of emergency it would be possible to quickly call the police, fire department or a contact configured as an emergency, and this is what the servant had done.

One of the features that the device offers, after triggering this “alarm”, is to send the location, whenever it changes. The family’s lawyer did not give any information if the daughter received other SMSs with the change of location, but says that Stephanie handed over all the electronic devices to cooperate with the police.

Also according to the lawyers, the lock of the apartment where mother and daughter lived was digital and access was possible in four ways: with the fingerprint, which only the mother and daughter had registered; an application; password, which could be a fixed password or a temporary one; and by token.

The condominium manager sent CENARIUM a note informing “that all information relevant to the case has already been delivered, including the camera system footage to the technical expertise team of the Civil Police of the State of Amazonas. The reportage contacted the landlord, but he replied: “in order not to hinder the investigations, we are avoiding further information”.

A good relationship

The family’s lawyers say that mother and daughter had a good relationship, and that on the morning of the crime they had exchanged affectionate messages via message application. On social networks, Stephanie posted pictures of tours and tributes to her mother. According to them, Silvanilde was an excellent and highly prized professional.

“There are a few lines of investigation, however, we have two suspicions, it could be a fight with a neighbor or related to her work. She didn’t have a boyfriend, as far as we know, she was an extremely hardworking person, her routine was totally focused on work”, told the lawyer.


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